2019-05-12 - Happy Mother's Day


~3.2 mi @ ~9.6 min/mi

"Хорошо!" Roadkill cheers Igor Luovskyl in the final sprint toward the finish line. Mud decorates the trails in Cabin John Regional Park for the Mother's Day morning cross-country event. Runners dodge puddles when possible, splash-dash through when necessary. No major falls on rocks and roots, and no lost shoes this year, thank goodness!

Official results put Roadkill first of 2 (!) in the 65-69 year male cohort - 59th of 137, behind 41 men and 17 women, in 29:44 - alas, about 1 min/mi slower than in 2012 and 2015 - roughly par given 20 pounds extra weight and some extra years.

(trackfile) - ^z - 2019-05-29